Globe Announces New Regional Sales Manager

January 10, 2017 Globe Food Equipment Company

Globe Food Equipment Company, Dayton, OH, has announced the addition of Ryan Feasel, Regional Sales Manager, to their sales team.

The Happy Egg Co. Helps Drive Egg Category Shifts In 2016

January 10, 2017 the happy egg co.

The happy egg co., the leader in humane free range egg production and the most widely carried free range egg brand, has been producing humanely raised eggs to consumers across the country since its launch in the U.S. in 2012. Today, the happy egg co. is pleased to celebrate its 2016 achievements and milestones. From industry growth to the company's enhanced product offerings, the happy egg co. continues to be the leader in high humane egg production.

Organic Valley Venture With Dean Foods To Spread Co-Op's Reach

Organic Valley’s rising tide continues to lift all of its producer pools. Coming off of its second billion-dollar year and passing the 2,000-member mark, the La Farge-based co-op is cultivating a venture to put its dairy products on the shelves of as many as 140,000 more stores nationwide.

Demand For Goat Milk Rising

January 10, 2017 Kirk Scott, Blackburn News

A director of Ontario Goat says the goat milk industry is one of the bright lights of agriculture. Jason Lyons says producers are having difficulty keeping up with the demand mainly because of the growing popularity of goat cheese.

Chicago Wholesale Bakery Opening In Pleasant Prairie

A Chicago wholesale bakery plans to open a new facility in Pleasant Prairie, a move that could eventually bring 300 jobs to the Kenosha County community.