Vista Valley Ag Presented With NPC's 2016 Environmental Stewardship Award

January 11, 2017 The National Potato Council

Boyd Foster of Vista Valley Ag in Ririe, Idaho, received the prestigious 2016 Environmental Stewardship Award during the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2017 Annual Meeting, held January 6 in San Francisco, CA. The award is a component of the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program, a partnership between NPC and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to protect the environment and promote the safe and effective use of pesticides.

Potato Growers Select 2017 NPC Leadership

January 11, 2017 National Potato Council

At the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2017 Annual Meeting January 6-7 in San Francisco, Dwayne Weyers of Aspen Produce, LLC, in Center, Colorado, was elected to serve as NPC’s 2017 President and to lead the council’s Executive Committee.  As President, Weyers will host the 2017 NPC Summer Meeting in Denver. The Executive Committee holds office for one calendar year.

Vision Import Group – Making Our Growers A Priority

January 11, 2017 The Vision Companies

Raul Millan Executive Vice President of Vision Import Group visited our Mr. Squeeze branded Lemon grower in Tamaulipas Mexico. Per Raul Millan, "Visiting Citrosel s.a de c.v. grower Miguel Rivera’s packing shed and fields help us connect and understand his business. These connections help fuel our passion for produce and that trickles down to our sales team and customers.”

Giumarra's Mystic Treat Grapes Enjoy Short But Sweet Season

January 11, 2017 The Giumarra Companies

Giumarra announces its first arrivals of Nature’s Partner Mystic Treat-branded grapes from Chile. The grapes are available from now until March.

NOAA Plans To Open Federal Waters In Pacific To Fish Farming

As traditional commercial fishing is threatening fish populations worldwide, U.S. officials are working on a plan to expand fish farming into federal waters around the Pacific Ocean.