Counting Croutons: Restaurants Tally Items For Calorie Rules

How might a bread basket for the table be counted under America's new calorie posting rules? What about seasonal items, croutons for salads, or pizza that's cut into squares?

Globe Announces New Regional Sales Manager

January 11, 2017 Globe Food Equipment Company

Globe Food Equipment Company, Dayton, OH, has announced the addition of Ryan Feasel, Regional Sales Manager, to their sales team.

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Names Members To The National Watermelon Promotion Board

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has appointed 13 members to the National Watermelon Promotion Board. Twelve members will serve three-year terms, which began on Jan. 1, 2017, and will end on Dec. 31, 2019. The new member for District 6 will complete a two-year term beginning immediately.

New Mandarin Orange In Town: The Super Nova

For almost 50 years, the fruit has tantalized visitors to university citrus variety collections with its gorgeous dark orange color, its convenient seedlessness, its rich balance of sweetness and acidity — and its superb aromatics. Now, this mandarin is finally available commercially. And although the citrus won’t chase Cuties and Halos from markets any time soon, its excellence is outmatched only by the curious convolutions of its history and nomenclature.

Fruit Logistica 2017: Which Product Will Be Awarded Innovation Of The Year?

January 11, 2017 FRUIT LOGISTICA

More than 70,000 trade visitors from over 130 countries will have the opportunity to vote for innovation of the year on 8 & 9 February 2017. The FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award honours outstanding new products that have had a positive impact on the fresh produce industry.