Bronx Food Hub Project Wins $2.5M In Federal Funding

September 7, 2017 Associated Press

Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the Greenmarket Regional Food Hub last year. When completed it will feature a farmers market, cold storage and a food processing facility. Cuomo says the idea is to connect farmers with new customers while ensuring that local restaurants and residents alike have greater access to fresh, locally produced food.

Terra Exports Makes Its Debut On This Year’s Inc. 5000 List

September 7, 2017 Terra Exports

Inc. magazine ranked Terra Exports NO. 923 on its 36th annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation's fastest-growing private companies. It is notable that Terra Exports is the only fresh fruit company in the fruit trade industry to appear on this year’s list.

Stemilt Finds Unique Success For Artisan Organics At Minnesota State Fair

September 7, 2017 Stemilt Growers

More than 1.9 million fair-goers experienced a summer treat thanks to Stemilt Growers and Produce Exchange’s Artisan Organics™ branded “fruit” stand, which was located at the Minnesota State Fair in late August and through Labor Day.

Plan Ahead For Rosh Hashana ‘New Fruit’ Mania

September 7, 2017 Frieda’s Inc.

Prepare your produce department for the mad dash for exotic fruits as shoppers look for “new fruit” to celebrate Rosh Hashana, aka Jewish New Year, beginning at sundown on September 20.

DMA Solutions Offers Free Marketing Consultations For Fresh Summit

September 7, 2017 DMA Solutions, Inc.

As the trade marketing landscape continues to broaden with more opportunities for fresh produce brands than ever, DMA Solutions, Inc. is offering free consultations leading up to and at PMA Fresh Summit to support brands looking to make an impact in 2018.