Leading Honduran Producers To Pilot Draft Area Management Standard

Grupo Granjas Marinas S.A. and Seajoy (Deli) Group have reached a landmark agreement in Choluteca, Honduras, to collaborate in piloting the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s draft Biosecurity Area Management Standard.

Ducktrap River Of Maine Planning $5M Expansion To Meet Boosted Demand

A Maine company that makes smoked salmon and other seafood products is taking over a shuttered building next door to meet increased national demand for its products.

Gulf Seafood Leaders Find Aquaculture Doable In Gulf Of Mexico

Growing shell and finfish in an aquaculture setting is certainly doable in the Gulf of Mexico according to Sebastian Belle, Executive Director of the Maine Aquaculture Association (MAA). The association recently hosted 20 members of the Gulf seafood community who ventured to the Pine Tree State to examine its innovative aquaculture program.

Demand For Organic Beef Meat To Remain High In Developed Regions During 2017-2027

August 3, 2017 Future Market Insights

Growing concerns of consumers over food safety has propelled the demand for organic foods, and has incidentally affected the global beef production. Particularly in developed markets, the demand for organic beef meat is gaining traction pertaining to the rising confidence of consumers towards organic beef over regular beef. 

Minnesota 4-H'ers Set To Compete In 8th Annual Poultry Prince & Princess Contest At 2017 State Fair

August 3, 2017 Gold’n Plump

Minnesota 4-H poultry participants will have the opportunity to put their knowledge and industry experience to the test during the eighth annual Poultry Prince and Princess Contest, held at the Minnesota State Fair from August 24 through August 27, 2017. The scholarship program, put on by Minnesota 4-H and Gold’n Plump, recognizes the skills, leadership and confidence of the state’s top young poultry experts by awarding two participants with the Poultry Prince and Princess ambassador titles and scholarships of $1,000 each.