El Trigal Brand Manchego Given Top Ranking At Superior Taste Awards 2017

July 20, 2017 Forever Cheese

Forever Cheese, importers of Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Croatian cheese and specialty foods, is pleased to announce that the El Trigal® brand of Manchego cheese they import has been granted a Superior Taste Award of three stars. Products submitted for these awards are evaluated based on their overall taste, texture, aroma, and appearance and given a score up to 100%.

Stacy's Pita Chips & Stephanie Izard Join Forces To Shatter The Glass Ceiling For Female Culinary Leaders

July 20, 2017 Stacy's Snacks

Less than a quarter of culinary leadership positions today are held by women1. Stacy's Pita Chips wants that to change and announced the Stacy's Rise Project to empower the next generation of women culinary leaders to pursue their dreams through scholarships, mentorship and thought leadership. The first year of the program will provide four $10,000 scholarships to women attending the Culinary Entrepreneurship program at the International Culinary Center (ICC) in New York City.

TN Commissioner Rolfe Announces Bongards’ Creameries To Make Major Expansion In Humboldt

Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Bob Rolfe and Bongards’ Creameries officials announced that the food producer will invest $35 million to expand its manufacturing operation in Humboldt.

Dannon Introduces New Choices In Light Yogurt – Minus The Artificial Sweeteners

July 20, 2017 DanoneWave

Dannon® is proud to add new Light & Fit® Greek Nonfat Yogurt with Zero Artificial Sweeteners and Light & Fit Regular Nonfat Yogurt with Zero Artificial Sweeteners to its balanced variety of delicious and nutritious smart-calorie snack offerings. These new additions to the Dannon Light & Fit family of products are made with the sweetness of stevia leaf extract and cane sugar rather than artificial sweeteners, providing yet another tasty option for those looking to avoid artificial ingredients in their diet.

CFIA: Yoplait Minigo Brand & Liberté Brand Yogurt Pouches Recalled

General Mills Canada Corporation is recalling Yoplait Minigo brand and Liberté brand yogurt pouches from the marketplace due to the potential presence of pieces of plastic. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.