Shrinking Shrimp Catch Sparks Worry For One Of Eastern Canada's Most Important Fisheries

In his 20 years as a shrimp fisherman, Sylvain Bujold says 2017 has been the most difficult season yet. The fishing boat captain in Matane, Que. is bringing in half the yield he would normally expect.

Prince William Sound Nears Last Year's Total Pink Harvest

July 25, 2017 Nicholas Ciolino, KDLG

After a historically dismal year for pinks, both in the sound and statewide, this year's run seems to be shaping up to meet expectations, and even on an odd year will soon surpass last year's total catch.

US Chicken Processor Profits Fatten On Cheap Feed

U.S. meat producers are earning some of the highest profit margins in more than a decade, a bright spot for investors in agriculture, where grain farmers and trading companies are struggling to make money after years of massive oversupply.

Grass-Fed Meat In Colorado Isn’t Always What You Think

Though it started as a small Crystal River Valley operation, the Carbondale-based Crystal River Meats is now the biggest producer of grass-fed beef and lamb in Colorado. But the company has had some real battles to overcome in the grass-fed livestock industry.

Organic Ranchers Eye Amazon Distribution Ahead Of Whole Foods Deal

July 25, 2017 Rod Nickel, Reuters Inc plans to meet on Wednesday with a dozen U.S. ranchers, seeking to expand distribution of organic and grass-fed meats as it takes over Whole Foods Market Inc (WFM.O), according to the meeting's organizer.