Chr. Hansen Sees Strong Demand For Probiotics To Replace Antibiotics In Meat

"There is a strong underlying driver from consumers and investors that wants the (meat) industry to reduce antibiotics so there is a long-term underlying very positive trend," Chr. Hansen CEO Cees de Jong told Reuters on Wednesday, as the Danish company posted forecast-beating third-quarter results. De Jong said Chr. Hansen would soon launch a new product in the U.S. poultry market aimed at replacing antibiotics "and still get a very healthy population of birds that grow very well or even better from the same amount of feed."

Ground Beef Prices At Three-Year Low

Ground beef prices are at a three-year low, and that means more people are likely to indulge, with sales projected to keep pace with last year’s surpassing $803 million around the July 4 holiday, according to a report by the market research group Nielsen.

M&L Farms Recall Beef, Goat, And Lamb Carcasses

July 5, 2017 10TV

M&L Farms announces a recall of 383 beef, goat, and lamb carcasses with offal produced with non-potable water that failed to meet the Ohio Department of Health’s requirements in the Ohio Administrative Code for a private water system.

Sun Valley Group Shares AIFD Symposium X Photo Blog

A couple weeks ago we hyped up AIFD's annual Symposium; and finally, the time came to experience it ourselves…and boy, it was everything we dreamed it would be! An absolute floral wonderland–everywhere we looked exuded creativity and discipline. It was both eye candy and brain stimulation rolled into hundreds of intricate, imaginative floral pieces of art — inspiration was all around.

Chrysal Introduces New Professional Range To Keep Your Flowers Beautiful Longer

July 5, 2017 Chrysal International

Customer satisfaction is key and we all want our flowers to remain beautiful as long as possible.  Our new improved Chrysal Professional range makes this a reality. We improved our well-known Professional 2 to keep your flowers beautiful even longer. It contains just enough nutrients for the natural development of flowers whilst preventing them opening too soon. This way your customers can enjoy your flowers even longer.