Frieda's Has Hatch Chile Season In The Bag
Hatch chiles from New Mexico return in August and Frieda’s Specialty Produce is ready to turn up the heat with a new 8/2-lb. retail pouch. …
Hatch chiles from New Mexico return in August and Frieda’s Specialty Produce is ready to turn up the heat with a new 8/2-lb. retail pouch. …
Continuing its commitment to promote food quality and freshness, Emerson announced it will sponsor a rider during Tour de Fresh, a three-day cycling event that raises funds to benefit the national Salad Bars to Schools initiative. …
According to a new study by researchers at Vancouver Island University* and North Carolina’s Duke University, when people choose to buy fish, the factor that they care least about is its perceived sustainability. This is a troubling finding given that the modern fishing industry—and the future of wild-caught fish—is at risk, with a 2012 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations report estimating that up to 85 percent of the world’s wild fish are either overharvested or already depleted. …
The soft-shell clams that are harvested by hand and raked from the mud flats of Maine are becoming less plentiful, and the downward trend jeopardizes one of New England’s oldest and most historic coastal industries. …
“I’ve always liked lobster, but I fell in love with the story” of how it’s caught and by whom, San Francisco chef Nicole Krasinski said. “We’ve had it before as a special, but it’s definitely going on our menu.” That’s exactly the response the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative, a group organized four years ago to promote Maine lobster, wanted to hear. It validates the collaborative’s two-year campaign to familiarize chefs with new-shell lobsters – also called soft-shells or shedders because they have just molted – through a series of tasting parties and marketing events in foodie cities across the nation. …
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