Import Kanzi Apples Near Seasonal Sales Peak

July 7, 2017 CMI Orchards

Sales of popular Kanzi® brand apples from New Zealand and Chile are expected to peak over the next several weeks driving incremental dollars into the apple category for supermarkets. Kanzi® is already one of the strongest growth apples in the industry, jumping in sales by over 100% over the past year. Taste tests and demos have proven that the supremely juicy, intensely sweet and tangy flavor of Kanzi® is coveted by consumers.

Cross-Channel Shopping Impacts Vibrant Avocado Category

With the growing popularity of fresh avocados in the U.S., fresh avocados can be purchased in a wide variety of retail channels from traditional grocery to the internet and beyond. Today’s avocado shoppers are taking advantage of this opportunity, as evidenced in a recently-released study from the Hass Avocado Board (HAB). HAB’s new Avocado Category Channel Overview, and its companion piece, the Avocado Channel Action Guide, reveal how the category is shifting across channels and how changing household avocado purchase patterns are contributing to these shifts.

Lipman's Jaime Weisinger Appointed To Governing Board Of South Florida Water Management District

July 7, 2017 Lipman

Weisinger will represent district seven – which includes Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, Highlands, Glades, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola and Polk counties – with a focus on the Southwest Florida area.

Summer Citrus From South Africa's First Fruit Arrives In The US

Kicking off the season strong, Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA) is proud to announce the arrival of its first vessel of citrus – containing mostly Navel oranges and Easy Peelers – to the United States. Combining efforts with sophisticated supply chain partners like Holt Logistics and the Port of Philadelphia enables SCSA to provide a steady supply of fresh, sweet and delicious citrus to the U.S. during the summer months when domestic supplies are not in season.

North Sea Cod Stock Rapidly Improves From Disastrous Levels After Fish Placed On Endangered List

July 6, 2017 ITV

In the 1970s the cod catch from the North Sea peaked at 270,000 tonnes per year but after years of over-fishing that figure fell to just 44,000 tonnes in 2006, say the International Council for The Exploration of the Sea [ICES]. But those fears that the population was on the verge of collapse have now been relieved as after the species was placed on the endangered list, the annual catch of cod has risen to around 150,000, according to the ICES.