USApple Joins Food, Ag Groups Urging Senate To Expedite Lighthizer Confirmation

April 28, 2017 USApple

A total of 138 food and agriculture trade associations and companies, including the U.S. Apple Association, working collectively through the diverse and broad-based U.S. Food and Agriculture Dialogue for Trade urged the U.S. Senate to expeditiously vote to confirm Robert Lighthizer as U.S. Trade Representative (USTR).

Chile's First 2017 Shipment Of Citrus On Its Way To The US Market

Chile’s first 2017 shipment of clementines to the U.S. departed from the port of Valparaiso during Week 15, a week earlier than the previous season. This serves as the official start of the Chilean Citrus season, which runs through October.

Arkansas Valley's Taste Of Summer

The family farmers of the Rocky Ford Growers Association (RFGA) started planting cantaloupe seeds last week. Those amazingly sweet and juicy Rocky Ford Cantaloupes will start rolling into grocery stores across Colorado and surrounding states in mid-July.

Several Produce Companies Among Whole Foods Market 'Supplier Award' Winners

April 28, 2017 Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market has revealed the winners of its annual Supplier Awards, the company’s highest honor for producer partners that embody its mission and values. Out of thousands of Whole Foods Market suppliers nationwide, fewer than 100 have received one of these distinguished awards.

Dockside Prices For Small Gulf Shrimp Up In March, First Quarter Landings Above Historical Average

April 27, 2017 Southern Shrimp Alliance

NOAA’s reporting for landings of shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico for the month of March showed a slight decline in the volume of shrimp harvested this year (3.46 million pounds) compared to March of last year (3.51 million pounds). However, the amount of shrimp landed by fishermen in the Gulf last month was 52.1 percent higher than the prior sixteen-year historical average for the month (2.28 million pounds).