Tasteful Selections Completes Another Successful Campaign With Katie’s Krops

February 9, 2017 Tasteful Selections LLC

Tasteful Selections, a specialty potato brand from RPE Inc., concluded its fourth annual campaign with Katie’s Krops, a non-profit focused on empowering young growers to plant vegetable gardens and donate the harvests to the underserved in their communities.

IFPS Launches Mobile App For PLU Codes

With over 1,400 price look-up codes (PLUs) now in use around the globe, the International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) has launched a user-friendly app to help users from across the supply chain to source PLUs. The launch of the app comes at a time when the demand for the voluntary codes, used for price identification at retail point of sale for fresh produce items that are sold individually, is increasing in North America, Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand and more recently, Mexico.

Labor Of Love Treats Farm Workers To A Shopping Spree

February 9, 2017 Labor of Love

A farm worker crew with JV Smith Companies, based in Yuma, Arizona, was treated to a surprise shopping spree at Fry's grocery store as part of a random act of kindness through the Labor of Love program.

Lent Matters: Cater To Latino Shoppers During The Holiday With Fresh Produce And Meat Substitutes

February 9, 2017 Frieda’s Specialty Produce

Lent-observing shoppers, especially Hispanics, change their shopping behaviors to accommodate going meatless starting on Ash Wednesday, March 1, and continuing through Thursday, April 13. Produce departments should capitalize on this shift by stocking up on specialty Latin produce and meat substitutes during this religious holiday season.

T. M. Kovacevich-Philadelphia Announces New Executive Appointments

The Board of Directors of T. M. Kovacevich-Philadelphia, Inc. is proud to announce the appointment of Thomas M. Kovacevich as President and Chief Operating Officer.  George C. Manos, the former President, continues as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.