Pressure On Cub Foods, Other Grocery Operations, Send Supervalu Into The Red
Supervalu Inc. tumbled into the red during the fall as its grocery stores, including Twin Cities market leader Cub Foods, came under greater competitive pressure. …
Supervalu Inc. tumbled into the red during the fall as its grocery stores, including Twin Cities market leader Cub Foods, came under greater competitive pressure. …
Attitudes about fat are experiencing a sea change in the country, but the transformation is only very slowly reflected in official government advice. Take avocado toast, one of the biggest wholesome-food trends of the decade. It took until last month for the Food and Drug Administration to say that avocados can be labeled “healthy.” The fruit previously didn’t qualify — because it had too much fat. …
The USDA Foods Available List is a lot like any other menu, with dozens of healthy options for state agencies to order and distribute through USDA’s nutrition assistance programs. And every year, foods are added or removed from the list based on customer demand and market conditions. Some offerings are modified to improve nutrition content or make the product and its packaging easier to work with in the kitchen or more acceptable to kids. …
IRI®, a global leader in innovative solutions and services for consumer, retail, media and over-the-counter health care companies, today announced the launch of its next generation targeting solution, IRI Verified Audiences™, which uses the industry’s most robust set of frequent shopper program (FSP) loyalty data to enable targeted campaigns based on actual purchase behavior. Purchase-based targeting results in campaigns that achieve a 50 to 100 percent return on advertising spending compared to other targeting methods. …
Americans are eating their way to an early grave, plain and simple. According to the National Center for Health Statistics1, shockingly, life expectancy for Americans in 2015 declined for the first time in more than two decades. In response to the crisis, Earth Fare, America’s original healthy supermarket, announces store expansion, a retooled loyalty program, new exclusive brands, and a bold new message aimed at empowering Americans to take back their own health through their food choices. …
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