Schmieding Produce Launches New 100 Calorie- Skinny Potato

January 23, 2017 Schmieding Produce

According to research f rom PaleoLeap, the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and Christmas is 3.5 pounds, but overweight people gain an average of 5 to 10 pounds during this time frame. January is a key month for Americans to lose weight. “We are extremely excited about the launch of our new 100 Calorie- Skinny potato product next week,” says Scott McDulin- Vice President of Marketing/Retail Sales with Schmieding Produce. During January, everybody wants to focus on health.

Interko Achieves Breakthrough With Energy Consumption Of New Ripening Room Fan

January 23, 2017 Interko

The Dutch manufacturer has achieved a breakthrough with the energy efficiency rating of its new range of reversible ripening room fans, which are now supplied under the brand name R?VERSO.

Organics Unlimited To Participate In Organicology Conference

January 23, 2017 Organics Unlimited

Organics Unlimited, a San Diego-based grower and importer of organic fruit, will showcase its organic bananas and other fruits at the Organicology trade show in Portland on Saturday, February 4, 2017. The company has exhibited in every Organicology trade show since the conference’s inception.

Specialty Commodities, Inc. Recalls Dry Roasted Almonds, Undeclared Allergen

Specialty Commodities, Inc. (SCI), a subsidiary of Archer Daniels Midland Company, is recalling a specific lot of dry roasted almonds because they may contain undeclared cashews. The recalled dry roasted almonds were distributed between December 22, 2016, and January 19, 2017, to three customers, one of whom redistributed them for sale in either bulk bins or clam shells to retail outlets in California, including Safeway and Nugget Markets.

Commerce Secretary Pritzker Declares Fisheries Disasters For Nine West Coast Species

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker today determined there are commercial fishery failures for nine salmon and crab fisheries in Alaska, California and Washington.