Government Of Canada Proposes New Rules To Strengthen Food Safety

The Government of Canada launched a public consultation on new rules to strengthen food safety. The proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations would better protect Canadian families by putting a greater emphasis on preventing food safety risks for all foods imported into Canada or sold across provinces. The regulations would also apply to foods prepared for export.

Save-A-Lot Exiting Nevada & California

Save-A-Lot is leaving the states of California and Nevada, a move that will affect 13 stores and a distribution center in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.

Organic Brand Health Wonders Aims To Challenge Pharma Sector Orthodoxies With Pillbox-Themed Roots Range

January 23, 2017 Eosta

Eosta, the innovative Netherlands-based marketer of organic fresh produce, has announced the launch of Health Wonders – a new range of nutrition-rich roots that can deliver considerable health benefits – in a pillbox format that will be available in supermarkets and natural food stores across Europe.

The Citrus Family Tree

Citrus, in many ways, stands alone. So many cultivated species have come from so few primary ancestors. Just three, in fact: citrons, pomelos, and mandarins, all native to South and East Asia before they started their journeys west, to places like Florida, California, and Brazil that built entire economies around fruits from the other side of the world.

Bolthouse Farms Introduces MAIO, A New Line Of Refrigerated Yogurt-Based Spreads

January 23, 2017 Bolthouse Farms

Bolthouse Farms MAIO™, a new line of refrigerated, yogurt-based spreads made with clean ingredients, hits grocery shelves beginning February in Northern California Safeway stores. The MAIO spreads are available in three craveable flavors – Plain, Chipotle and Garlic – and have the same creamy, rich texture people seek in a traditional mayonnaise but with lower fat and calories. Each product in the line contains only 20 calories and 1 gram of fat per serving, and most importantly, delivers on taste.