Lipman Distributes More Than 1,200 Backpacks To Immokalee Children At Fifth Annual Community Event

August 12, 2016 Lipman

On Saturday, Aug. 6, Lipman – North America’s largest field tomato grower – distributed more than 1,200 backpacks filled with school supplies to Immokalee elementary and middle school students at its 5th annual free community event at the Immokalee Sports Complex.

Frieda's Shishito Peppers Are Packaged For Perfection

August 12, 2016 Frieda’s Inc

Very popular shishito peppers are now available in eye-catching, convenient, 8-oz. stand-up pouches from Frieda’s Specialty Produce. Shishito peppers are available from Frieda’s in 12/8 oz. pouches and in bulk. Organic shishito peppers are also available in bulk in limited supply during the summer.

Arctic Fuji Apple One Step Closer To US Regulatory Approval

August 12, 2016 Okanagan Specialty Fruits®

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has publicly shared the final version of Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc.’s (OSF) petition seeking regulatory approval for Arctic® Fuji apples, a nonbrowning variety produced through biotechnology.

Chef Alex Eaton Crowned King At Great American Seafood Cookoff

Alex Eaton, executive chef of Manship Wood Fired Kitchen in Jackson, Miss., who honed his cooking skills at several New Orleans restaurants, won the crown Saturday (Aug. 6) at the 13th annual Great American Seafood Cook-Off at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.

Western Australia Snappers Swim Into Full Sustainability Assessment

Three of Western Australia’s most commercially valuable finfish fisheries enter Marine Stewardship Council full assessment. The Western Australia Kimberley and Pilbara demersal scalefish trap fisheries and the Gascoyne demersal line fishery will begin the rigorous, transparent, third party assessment against the MSC’s environmental standard for sustainable fishing.