Guatemala Produce Trade Association Releases 2016/2017 Fresh Peas And Beans Category Management Plan Outline

The Guatemala Produce Trade Association (GPTA) has completed and published its 2016/2017 Fresh Peas and Beans Category Management Plan Outline. 

Climate Change May Bring More Tainted Shellfish To Northern Seas

Warming oceans may be boosting levels of dangerous bacteria in northern seas, possibly explaining why more people are getting sickened by tainted seafood and seawater, new research suggests.

Sockeye Salmon Catch Tops 50 Milion

August 9, 2016 Laine Welch, Sit News

Two big fish stories have been spawned so far by the 2016 Alaska salmon season: 1) sockeyes save the day; and 2) colossal pinks.

NFI Statement On The Passing Of Les Hodgson

In October of 1995 the National Fisheries Institute celebrated its 50th Anniversary under the leadership of Chairman Les Hodgson.   Today the seafood community mourns his passing and celebrates his leadership as we remember a man whose focus on HACCP and fisheries management was as important then as it is today. In addition, his commitment to the protection of turtle populations was unmatched.

The Pork Industry's Voice Is Missing From Tribune Investigation

The Illinois Pork Producers Association has been working with Chicago Tribune reporters David Jackson and Gary Marx the past several months on their series of articles focused on the Illinois pork industry. We made the conscious decision to work with them in order to provide a balanced and educated voice to their story.