ONE Banana Releases Promising Findings In 2015 Sustainability Report

July 25, 2016 ONE Banana

ONE Banana, The Better Banana Company, recently released its 2015 Sustainability Report around their operations in Guatemala: ONE Banana's (ONE) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts – from living wage to healthcare initiatives, occupational safety programs to potable water projects – aim to improve employee lives, local communities, and the environment surrounding each farm.

NOAA Releases June Gulf Shrimp Landings Data

July 22, 2016 Southern Shrimp Alliance

For the month, NOAA reported landings of 11.7 million pounds shrimp in the region, 34.8% below the prior fourteen-year historical average.  However, there was significantly more shrimp caught in the Gulf this June than in the prior year (9.7 million pounds).

Lousy Georgia Brown Shrimp Season Follows Bountiful White Shrimp Harvest

If the white shrimp season was a feast, this summer brown shrimp season appears to be pure famine. “The summer brownie season has been non-existent,” Wallace said. “I would put it in the bottom five for brown shrimp. Most of the boats here have been tied up since late June. “

Central Pacific Longline Bigeye Tuna Fishing Grounds To Close

For the second consecutive year, Hawaii’s longline fisheries in the Central Pacific have reached their bigeye tuna quota far earlier than expected.

What's All This Buzz About Alternative Proteins

There is a presumptive tone in the media about the desire for consumers to move to plant-based proteins and meat alternatives. Yes, there is a market for these items, in fact this market has existed for decades. Consequently, the grocery store operator or restauranteur will find a consumer for this type of alternative product. The key questions are whether this behavior is substantial, is growing, and if growing, at what speed. Check-off funded market research indicates slow growth and interest in the more exotic meat substitutes, at best.