IDDBA Announces Key Highlights & Speakers For 2016 Show & Sell Center

The International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association™ (IDDBA) has announced key highlights for the Show & Sell Center at the Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar & Expo, June 5-7 in Houston. The Show & Sell Center is the huge interactive marketplace that is the centerpiece of the industry-leading show, providing best-in-class merchandising, creative new concepts for retailing food, invaluable take-away tools, inspiration, education, and practical information.

QFC Recall Cranberry Chicken Salad

March 28, 2016 Quality Food Center (QFC)

QFC said it had recalled its Fresh Food Market Cranberry Chicken Salad that is sold in QFC stores, located in Oregon and Washington. The product may be mislabeled and may contain pecans, wheat, and soy not listed on the label.

Setting New Standards For Grassfed Dairy

March 28, 2016 Lisa Held, Civil Eats

There is no federal standard for what companies can call “grassfed dairy” and little to no regulation of the claims made on labels. One company may define “grassfed” as a diet that includes as much as 15 percent grain, for example, and a consumer would have no way of knowing the difference.

Walmart Plant Could Soak Up Much Of Indiana's Milk Surplus

March 28, 2016 Bob Caylor, News-Sentinel

A year ago this month, the state adopted a “dairy strategy” in an effort to build up its dairy industry. Among the recommendations of a consultant who helped develop the strategy was attracting another milk processor that could use 1-2 million pounds of the 4 million pounds of milk that dairy farmers have to ship out of the state to find markets.

Chobani CMO Peter McGuinness On Its Heart First Marketing

March 28, 2016 Miek O'Brien, ClickZ

The core of our marketing program is heart first marketing and connecting with people in relevant, credible ways. With heart first marketing, I don’t think there’s a gray area. If you’re following your heart, what you’re going to talk about is going to be clear because it’s what you believe deep down.