Oldways Cheese Coalition Commends FDA On Raw Milk Cheese

February 10, 2016 The Oldways Cheese Coalition

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Feb. 8 that it will reevaluate its controversial policy for testing and limiting nontoxic microorganisms in raw milk cheese. This comes after a year of growing concerns over regulatory efforts threatening raw milk cheese production. The FDA’s current policy requires both pasteurized and raw milk cheeses to contain no more than 10 MPN/g non-toxigenic E. coli.

American Egg Board Seeks New PR Agency After Hampton Creek Debacle

February 10, 2016 Lindsay Stein, Ad Age

The American Egg Board is scrambling for a new PR agency following a controversy that made headlines last fall involving vegan mayonnaise.

Official Details Storm's Lasting Effects On Dairy Industry

It could take months to tally the true costs of a winter storm that killed an untold number of livestock and derailed New Mexico's dairy industry, the state's top agriculture official warned lawmakers Monday.

WhiteWave Initiative Aims To Source 100 Percent Certified Sustainable Cocoa

February 10, 2016 The WhiteWave Foods Company

The WhiteWave Foods Company (www.WhiteWave.com) (NYSE:WWAV) today announced 100 percent of the cocoa powder sourced across its portfolio of plant-based, dairy and creamer products within the Americas Foods & Beverages segment will be independently certified sustainable by the end of 2016. All WhiteWave brands based in North America using cocoa as an ingredient will transition, including Silk, So Delicious Dairy Free, Vega, Horizon Organic, and International Delight.

Borealis To Close Portland Bistro, Focus On Wholesale Bread

The Borealis Bakery & Bistro at 182 Ocean Ave. in Portland is closing Saturday after about seven years in business. Jim Amaral, the well-known Maine baker behind the bistro and the larger Borealis Breads bakeries in Wells and Waldoboro, said the building is owned by his brother, a Massachusetts real estate developer who has decided to sell the property. Amaral said he will focus on the wholesale side of Borealis, “which accounts for most of our business anyway and has been very, very busy the past couple of years.”