Pennsylvania Launches Cheesemakers Guild

A group of cheesemakers, retailers, scientists and supporters of Pennsylvania-made cheese have joined together to create a guild in support of the growing artisan industry in the state.

FireFly Farms Wins Sixteen More Awards For Its Handmade Cheese

January 18, 2016 FireFly Farms

FireFly Farms, producer of handmade cheese from Mountain Maryland, proudly celebrates another successful season earning sixteen new individual awards won by its acclaimed line of cheeses in national and international cheese judging programs.

Anchor Wins Sustainability Award For Embraceable Package

January 18, 2016 Anchor Packaging

Anchor Packaging won the 2016 Sustainability Award Certificate of Merit from the World Packaging Organization (WPO).  This sustainability award for the Embraceable™ platter and dome follows the prestigious 2016 World Star Packaging Award for this product announced last month.

Dairy Farmers Face A Difficult Year As Milk Price Remains In A Trough

Wisconsin dairy farmers face another tough year as the price they receive for their milk remains low, resulting in slim profits. The most recent price for Class III milk, used to make cheese, was $14.44 per hundred pounds — down about 19% from a year ago and down more than 41% from a recent peak in September 2014.

Last South Dakota Farm Hit By Bird Flu To Start Selling Eggs

The last poultry farm still recovering from last year’s deadly bird flu outbreak has begun producing eggs again and plans to start stocking local stores shortly.