Rabobank Announces AgroFresh As Winner Of 2015 Leader In Sustainability Award

December 11, 2015 Rabobank

This year Rabobank North America Wholesale took a fresh look at its Leader in Sustainability Award by opening its nominations process to the food and agriculture industry for the first time. After a rigorous independent judging process, Rabobank honored AgroFresh at their annual Client Appreciation Event in New York as the winner for the role sustainability plays in their mission and products.

New Study Finds Adult Fresh Pear Consumers Had A Lower Body Weight Than Non-Pear Consumers

December 11, 2015 Pear Bureau Northwest

A new study, “Fresh Pear Consumption is Associated with Better Nutrient Intake, Diet Quality, and Weight Parameters in Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2010,” published in Nutrition and Food Science, revealed new information regarding the health benefits of pear consumption.1 Of particular interest given the high rates of obesity in the United States, the study found that adult pear consumers had a lower body weight than non-pear consumers and they were 35 percent less likely to be obese.

USDA: Extending Fresh-Cut Pepper Storage

Fresh-cut peppers are handy for snacking and in reducing meal-preparation time for consumers. But sometimes that freshness is short-lived.

Georgia Watermelon Association Announces Plans For 2016 Annual Meeting And Queen Competition

December 11, 2015 Georgia Watermelon Association

The Georgia Watermelon Association is currently making plans for their annual meeting and Watermelon Queen Competition to be held January 29- January 31, 2016 at the King and Prince Beach and Golf Resort in St. Simons, Georgia. The event offers exhibits, networking and recreational opportunities, and educational sessions designed to bring the most up-to-date and relevant information to the watermelon industry.

Get Ready For The Veg-olution Of 2016

December 11, 2015 Frieda’s Inc.

Next year’s food trends lead to the produce department, finds Frieda’s Specialty Produce. From the clean-eating movement to a more vegetable-centric menu, don’t miss out on the great vegetable revolution of 2016!