RBA Roadshow Special Networking Events Heading To Milwaukee & New York

September 2, 2015 Retail Bakers of America

At the RBA, we know the value of networking.  Getting to know other bakers and allied members in the industry is key to growth and learning.  Be sure to check out the great networking events happening with our RBA Roadshows.

Health Benefits Of Wine Grape Flours

Home cooks and commercial bakers whose interests include using specialty ingredients may enjoy working with boutique flours made from a perhaps surprising source: wine grape seeds.

Missouri Hy-Vee Store Installs New 'Baked-Fresh Daily' Program

September 2, 2015 Emily Wood, KY3.com

"We're installing a whole new program in our store which is called artisan bread. It is a baked-fresh daily, preservative-free bread that is one of a kind," said John Blocker of Hy-Vee. The new full-service bakery currently under construction will feature several glass cases full of baked goods. To staff the new bakery, Blocker said the store will be adding about a dozen employees this fall.

The Fresh Market Names Richard Anicetti As President & CEO

September 2, 2015 The Fresh Market, Inc.

The Fresh Market, Inc., a growing specialty grocery retailer, today announced that its Board of Directors has named veteran food retail executive Richard (“Rick”) Anicetti as the Company’s President and Chief Executive Officer, effective September 1, 2015. Mr. Anicetti has also been elected to the Company’s Board of Directors.

Amazon Begins Delivering Farmers Market Goods To Southern CA Customers

A new service from online retail powerhouse Amazon.com will deliver herbs from Maggie's Farm, Mangalitsa pork from Peads & Barnetts and black cod from Wild Local Seafood — direct to your doorstep with just a mouse click. It's just the latest stab at food delivery, which has attracted a crop of start-ups that cut out the middleman by ferrying produce from local farms and artisan producers directly to homes. Each company is tackling the tricky problem of delivering perishable foods, which has long bedeviled efforts to deliver groceries and meals to customers too busy to shop for themselves.