Nova Scotia Lamb Processor Secures Federal License, Eyes Grocery Giants

September 2, 2015 Richard Cuthbertson, CBC News

As racks of lamb are cut and vacuum sealed for shipment at Bible Hill's Northumberland Lamb Market Co-Operative, manager Michael Isenor lists the slew of changes the plant has undergone.

Sun Valley Group: The Enchanting Palette Of Antique Hydrangeas

September 2, 2015 Sun Valley Group's Flower Talk

The beginning of summer brought us hydrangea season, mid-summer brought us our new everlasting varieties of hydrangea, and now, as summertime slowly ebbs into fall and the weather cools down, get ready for Antique Hydrangeas!

Ball Ornamentals Celebrates Award For Hydrangea Macrophylla 'Wedding Gown'

September 2, 2015 Brooke Ryan, Ball Ornamentals

This year’s Plantarium trade show yielded another winner for Ball Ornamentals. Hydrangea macrophylla Wedding Gown was awarded a Gold Medal for Best Introduction. Its large, double white flowers start out as Lacecaps and fill in as Mopheads, finishing up with beautiful Fall foliage color. Feel free to send congratulations – or tell us about your favorite Ball Ornamentals hydrangea!

Tecoma – LSU AgCenter Ornamental Plant Of The Week

Esperanza, also known by its scientific name Tecoma, typically comes with yellow flowers, but apricot, oranges and reds are now becoming available. A common name for this plant is yellow bells.

Cheese Producers Launch MD Cheese Guild

September 2, 2015 Staff Reporter. Star Democrat

State cheese makers are invited to join the Maryland Cheese Guild, a local nonprofit recently formed to promote artisanal cheesemaking in the Free State, according to a news release from University of Maryland Extension.