Harris Teeter, Titan Farms Donate Over 34,000 Pounds Of Peaches To Second Harvest

September 4, 2015 Titan Farms

Over the last two weeks, Harris Teeter and its vendor Titan Farms donated over 34,000 pounds of peaches to North Carolina food banks to help feed the hungry in the local communities. This donation was made possible thanks to Titan Farms’ third annual Peaches with a Purpose program.

Alsum Farms & Produce & Green Bay Packers Launch What's On Your Grill Fan Promotion

September 4, 2015 Alsum Farms & Produce

Alsum Farms & Produce, Inc., is partnering with the Green Bay Packers to invite fans to share a photo of their best tailgating dish for a chance to win an Alsum Grillmaster prize pack.

Many Apple Varieties Ripe & Ready From New Jersey Farms

September 4, 2015 The New Jersey Farm Bureau

As the days get shorter and the nights get cooler, the crisp smell of autumn is in the air and that means the season is here for New Jersey- grown apples.  Growers in New Jersey have already started picking the Gala variety which will soon be followed by the Honeycrisp and McIntosh varieties.  “Whether you prefer sweet or tart, eating or baking apples, New Jersey farmers are growing a variety for everyone.  And this year is looking like it will be a bumper crop,” says New Jersey Farm Bureau president Ryck Suydam.   

Decofrut & Flora Logistics Open New Repacking Operation In Miami, FL

On August 1st a new repacking operation opened its doors for the Produce Industry in Miami, Florida. This is a Joint Venture that unifies the synergies of two main actors of the Produce Industry.

Tasteful Selections #RescuedMoments Campaign Creates Excitement In-Stores

September 4, 2015 RPE

Tasteful Selections™ #RescuedMoments campaign continues to inspire shoppers with time-saving recipes and useful cooking tips.  The brand recently executed over twenty in-store events across the country to promote the bite-sized potato line and support the #RescuedMoments campaign which ends October 1.