Farm Star Living Teams Up With Well•Pict Berries For A Summer Of Strawberries

Farm Star Living, a national lifestyle brand highlighting farms, farm-fresh foods, and the farm-to-everything movement, has teamed up with Well•Pict Berries to showcase their strawberries and their exciting “Where will Your Berries Take YOU?” campaign for the summer.

Maglio Companies Wins United Fresh Innovation Award For Best New Packaging

June 23, 2015 Maglio Companies

Maglio Companies was awarded the United Fresh Innovation Award for Best New Packaging at the 2015 United Fresh Convention in Chicago for its readyripe watermelon

Driscoll's Commits To Organic Nursery Plants

June 23, 2015 Driscoll’s

Driscoll’s announces a broad expansion of organic nursery plant production and a commitment to providing all of Driscoll’s USDA certified organic growers with organic nursery plants. Driscoll’s innovation continues to pave the way for the organic berry market by continuously improving organic production practices and moving the agriculture forward in meaningful ways. 

SUNSET Wins Big At Greenhouse Competition

June 23, 2015 Mastronardi Produce

It’s another big win for Mastronardi at this year’s Greenhouse Competition that took place this weekend in Leamington. The greenhouse company proudly took home 65% of all tomato awards.

Biggest-Ever Toxic Algal Bloom Hits West Coast, Shutting Down Shellfish Industries

A massive toxic algal bloom has closed shellfish fisheries along the West Coast. "It appears to be the largest we've seen in terms of severity and magnitude," said Michael Milstein, spokesman with NOAA Fisheries.