Local Food Is Still A Niche. Can It Grow Beyond That?

June 23, 2015 Ezra David Romero, NPR

According to a recent study by researchers at the University of California, Merced, it’s actually possible to grow a lot more food closer to our cities.

The Triangle's Grocery Stores Ranked By Market Share

Walmart and Food Lion kept their No. 1 and No. 2 spots atop the Triangle-area grocery market last year, but the introduction of several new brands seeking out locations in the region are already threatening a shift in power.

Kroger & King Soopers Launch KingSoopers.com/LiveNaturally

June 23, 2015 The Kroger Co.

To meet rising demand for convenience and healthy living, The Kroger Co. and its King Soopers division has launched the new natural and organic eCommerce website.

MBG Marketing – The Blueberry People Appoints New President & CEO

June 23, 2015 MBG Marketing

MBG Marketing – The Blueberry People, the Grand Junction, Michigan-based blueberry growers’ cooperative, is very pleased to announce the appointment of Orrin “Larry” Ensfield as its new President and CEO, effective last Friday, June 19, 2015. Upon accepting the resignation of then CEO Bob Hawk, the MBG Board of Directors immediately tapped Ensfield, who had been serving as MBG’s Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, to lead the company.

Love Beets Partners With Weber Grills For Playful Sweepstakes

June 23, 2015 Love Beets

If you thought beets weren’t a summer food, think again!  Love Beets, the innovative company that makes ready-to-eat beet products available in retailers nationwide, is partnering with Weber Grills to host a fun and unique summer sweepstakes.