Global Salmon Initiative Launches Inaugural Sustainability Report Alongside World Ocean Summit 2015

To mark World Environment Day, the GSI launches an interactive online Sustainability Report setting a new standard for transparency reporting for a global food sector. The report demonstrates the GSI members' strong commitment to continuous improvement in the sustainability of their operations.

Michigan Explores Commercial Fishing In Southern Lake Huron

Michigan plans to study the viability of commercial fishing for whitefish in southern Lake Huron, officials said.

Apalachicola Oystermen Try To Keep Up With New Rules

Apalachicola oystermen are working under the gun of a revised Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services regulation that went into effect Monday mandating that all whole-shell oysters have to be under refrigeration by 11 a.m. — three hours earlier than in previous years — and be cooled to 55 degrees by 1 p.m.

AMSA 68th RMC Hot Topic Speakers Announced

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) is pleased to announce that, Deputy Under Secretary Gary Woodward; Dr. Lynn McMullen, Dr. Steve Larsen and Bill Hewat will be the featured speakers in the AMSA 68th Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC) Hot Topic Symposium.  This sessions is sponsored by Texas Tech University Center for Food Industry Excellence and will take place on Wednesday, June 17. Presentations from these speakers will focus on the below topics. 

Beef Leads The Jump In Food Prices Across Canada

Anyone who’s been to a grocery store lately likely has noticed their weekly bill creep up and up, as food prices continue to rise.