Locally Made Cheeses Are Having A Moment In Connecticut

Farmers’ markets are set to reopen for the summer season, and tucked in among tables of just-picked corn and cartons of fresh lettuces and greens is one commodity Connecticut consumers can expect to see a great deal more of: locally made cheese.

Creminelli Fine Meats Unveils Premium Ham From Non-GMO Fed Pigs*

May 28, 2015 Creminelli Fine Meats

Creminelli Fine Meats® today announced its new line of all-natural hams – sevenhams – the first ever premium hams from non-GMO fed pigs* in the U.S., available exclusively at all Whole Foods Markets nationwide on May 28, 2015.

Nuestro Queso Oaxaca Cheese Wins Gold Medal For 'Best Hispanic Melting Cheese In America'

May 28, 2015 Nuestro Queso

The stringy, Oaxaca ball cheese from Rosemont, Illinois-based Nuestro Queso was recently awarded the Gold Medal “Best in Class” in the Hispanic Melting Cheese category at the recent United States Cheese Championships held in Milwaukee. The manufacturer also took home a silver medal for their Oaxaca strips as well.

Hiland Dairy Delivers Thousands Of Milk Servings To Open Door Mission

May 28, 2015 Staff Reporter, WOWT

For the third consecutive year, Hiland Dairy coordinates the delivery of thousands of containers of Omaha Public School's unused milk to the Open Door Mission (ODM). The non-profit serves more than 2,000 hot nutritious meals to the hungry and homeless, daily.

Sweet & Savory Flavors Take Top Prizes At Dairy Products Contest

Two cultured products — Yoplait Berry Pomegranate Yogurt & Juice and Dill Pickle Sour Cream Dip — were named the most innovative milk or cultured products at the International Dairy Foods Association's Innovative Milk and Cultured Dairy Products Contest last week in Minneapolis. The competition is a popular part of IDFA’s annual Milk and Cultured Dairy Products Conference.