Bitterroot Bison Farm Accepted Into Certified Humane Program

April 29, 2015 Humane Farm Animal Care

Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC), the leading international non-profit certification organization improving the lives of millions of farm animals in food production, announced this week that Bitterroot Bison is a the first bison producer who has been accepted into the Certified Humane® Raised and Handled® program.

Beef Demand Update

April 29, 2015 The Beef Checkoff Program

During the first quarter of calendar 2015, beef demand increased 15.5 percent — marking the largest quarterly year-on-year increase in the life of the All Fresh Beef Demand (AFBD) index, according to agricultural economist and associate professor Glynn Tonsor of Kansas State University.

Beef Fuels Team Beef At The 2015 Boston Marathon

April 29, 2015 The Beef Checkoff Program

The national beef checkoff, through its Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative (NEBPI) and in partnership with the South Dakota Beef Industry Council, ensured that beef was proudly represented during the historic running of the 119th Boston Marathon on Monday, April 20.

Fireworks Pennisetum – Ornamental LSU AgCenter Plant Of The Week

Fireworks pennisetum – purple fountain grass – is the second Louisiana Super Plant for spring 2015.

Sun Valley Group: Irresistible Field Iris

Unlike other flowering bulbs–which are stored cold–our iris bulbs are stored in heated rooms. The heat keeps the bulbs dormant, and when we're ready to plant, we break their warm slumber with ethylene gas. This is just another way we flower farmers mimic nature. Ethylene is already present in all plants as a hormone and acts to stimulate the ripening of your banana, the opening of flowers, or, in our case, the waking of our sleeping bulbs. But that's just the first step in planting. Second, we must cool down the newly awakened bulbs, which encourages root development.