PMA Expresses Support For FDA's $109.5 Million FSMA Funding Request

In a joint letter sent to Congressional leaders, Produce Marketing Association (PMA) has voiced their support for increasing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) food safety budget by $109.5 million, for Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) implementation. The letter is signed by a cross-section of food organizations from across the nation.

Sweet Corn On Track To Become Illinois' Official State Vegetable

The Illinois Senate last Thursday approved a measure dubbing sweet corn as the official state vegetable following a discussion on which food group the golden produce belongs to. Debate centered on whether sweet corn should be classified as a fruit, vegetable or grain.

Appalachian Nonprofit Links Small Farmers With Big Grocers

The Virginia-based nonprofit organization has grown to a $1.5 million business that derives only a sliver of its budget from grants while helping farmers in remote areas sell produce to Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods and other grocers. To develop its business from scratch, Appalachian Harvest has fine-tuned how it helps farmers while expanding from organic to conventional crops and learning a crash-course in trucking.

ALC Logistics Named A Top Logistics IT Provider

April 30, 2015 Allen Lund Company

Inbound Logistics magazine named ALC Logistics as a Top 100 Logistics IT Provider. Out of over 400 entries, the team at Inbound Logistics chose 100 technology providers that most accurately provided dynamic solutions to supply chain challenges.

Over 100K AZ Students Treated To POWer Fresh Kids Nutrition Program

April 30, 2015 JV Smith Companies

On October 2, 2014, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced nearly $118 million in grants to strengthen markets for specialty crops, such as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, horticulture and nursery crops. The grants were authorized through the 2014 Farm Bill as part of an effort to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops and provide resources to strengthen American agriculture.