National Mango Board Is Now Accepting Board Nominees

February 6, 2015 National Mango Board

The National Mango Board (NMB) is inviting mango industry leaders to step forward and participate in the nominations process to become a board member. Board members have the chance to contribute in shaping the future and direction of the NMB in upcoming years. The NMB is currently seeking nominations for six board members positions to serve a three-year term beginning on January 2016. The positions currently open include two importers in District I, one first handler, one domestic producer and two foreign producers. Candidates must meet certain requirements to be eligible and be willing to serve the mango industry by fulfilling board member roles and responsibilities.

GAA Signs MoU With Viet Nam Pangasius Association

The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Viet Nam Pangasius Association (VNPA), in which the two organizations will work collaboratively to advance responsible aquaculture in the Pangasius sector in Vietnam and globally through the exchange of information and research. GAA and VNPA agreed to the MoU after January meetings in Can Tho and Hanoi.

Seafood Watch Gives A Passing Grade To Most Great Lakes Fish

The Seafood Watch team did not find any evidence of overfishing in fish they studied in the Great Lakes region. “Essentially they're saying, 'things are going quite well, all things considered, in the Great Lakes.’ "

Oyster Fishermen & Seafood Dealers React To MS Governor's Council On Oysters

February 5, 2015 Steve Phillips, WLOX

What do oyster fishermen and seafood dealers think of the newly created Governor's Oyster Council? Interesting question, since we didn't see any fishermen at Monday's ceremony creating the council. So, WLOX News visited the docks in Pass Christian on Tuesday morning for reaction to the initiative.

AMSA's 68th Reciprocal Meat Conference, June 14-17, 2015

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) 68th Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC) will be held June 14-17, 2015 at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Neb. RMC serves as the annual meeting for AMSA and is being hosted by the University of Nebraska and ConAgra Foods.