Sources: AdvancePierre Foods Mulls Sale For $2 Billion Or More

February 6, 2015 Reuters

AdvancePierre Foods is interviewing investment banks to prepare for a sale that could value the private equity-owned protein and sandwich supplier at more than $2 billion, including debt, according to people familiar with the matter.

Cheese Of The Week: Barely Buzzed Cheese

Beehive Cheese Company, claiming its products are “made from the creamiest milk in Utah,” is an unusual testament to the vagaries of geography and also the positives of the in-law relationship. Beehive’s original cheese is an Irish-style white cheddar called Promontory. It has won slews of awards, including a gold medal at the 2013 World Cheese Awards and the Grand Champion spot at the 2013 Idaho Milk Processors Association competition. The coffee and lavender version is called Barely Buzzed and is well worth trying.

Oakhurst Dairy Makes Its Largest Donation To The Salvation Army Yet

February 6, 2015 Oakhurst Dairy

Oakhurst, northern New England’s leading dairy brand, announced it is donating $21,257 to The Salvation Army of Northern New England. This is the company’s largest donation in the 15 years since beginning its annual Egg Nog fundraising effort. Oakhurst has donated a portion of its annual Egg Nog sales — five cents for every container sold during the holiday season — to The Salvation Army since 1999. The company reports that this year’s milestone means that Oakhurst has provided more than $260,000 in total support from this fundraising tradition.

Ron's Wisconsin Cheese Offers Pink Cheese For Valentine's Day

Ron’s Wisconsin Cheese is debuting a pink-and-white version of its squeaky curds just in time for Valentine’s Day. If cheese lovers go ga-ga over the novelty item, it could lead to colored curds for St. Patrick’s Day, Independence Day and even a tailgating green-and-gold version.

Proposed Settlement Would Resolve Dairy Antitrust Charges

More than 7,000 Northeast dairy farmers stand to get an average of $4,000 in a proposed settlement with the cooperative Dairy Farmers of America to resolve antitrust allegations.