How Fish Could Change What It Means For Food To Be Organic

February 6, 2015 Kristofor Husted, NPR

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is considering a set of rules for organic farmed fish. Several consumer groups, though, say the recommended rules don't go far enough to meet the strict standards of other organic foods.

FDA Is Cracking Down On Contaminated Shrimp Imports

February 6, 2015 Southern Shrimp Alliance

In 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) reported refusing 203 entry lines of imported shrimp for reasons related to veterinary drug residues.  The number of refusals was not only substantially higher than what FDA had refused in the prior three years, refusals increased in frequency as the year wore on.  In fact, in the second half of 2014 more than twice the number of shrimp import entry lines (139) were refused for reasons related to veterinary drug residues than in the first half of 2014 (64).

CFIA: Atkins & Freres Brand Smoked Salmon & Coriander Rillettes Recalled

Atkins & Frères Inc. is recalling Atkins & Frères brand Smoked Salmon and Coriander Rillettes from the marketplace because they contain mustard and egg which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard or egg should not consume the recalled products described below.

Producer Support Of Beef Checkoff Remains High

February 6, 2015 The Beef Checkoff Program

Three out of four producers support the beef checkoff, while the number who disapprove of the program, at just 11 percent, is the lowest in program history, according to a recent survey of 1,209 beef and dairy producers nationwide.

Kelly McDonald To Open The AMSA 68th Reciprocal Meat Conference

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) is pleased to announce that Kelly McDonald with McDonald Marketing will be the opening keynote speaker at the AMSA 68th Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC) this June. Kelly, a marketing and advertising expert, is considered one of the nation’s top experts in multicultural marketing and consumer trends.