How ‘Organic’ Are Vegetables When They’re Grown In Hydroponic Greenhouses?

In most cases, no label informs us how the fruits' roots deliver the goods to what we recognize as a vegetable. Does it matter? To some soil-based farmers and their customers: a lot. On the other hand, not all ardent fans of hydroponics hanker for organic certification. Or, in the case of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program — the arbiter of certification standards in this country — there is no useful distinction between soil-based and hydroponic organic methods.

UK: Asda Introduces Sweet Red Onion Promising Fewer Tears & Better Breath

February 9, 2015 Hayley Coyle, Mirror

The new specimen has "lower pungency levels", meaning the flavour is less in your face, fewer tears are shed when chopping and the odour will not linger long as a regular onion.

Copa-Cogeca: Important To Get A Good Deal On Agriculture In EU/US Free Trade Talks

February 9, 2015 Copa-Cogeca

U.S. consumers increasingly appreciate quality EU agri-food produce, but red tape and other obstacles to trade stop our exports entering the market and must be removed if the free trade talks between the EU and US are to succeed, Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen warned this week.

Seedless Aurora Papaya From Israel Wins Fruit Logistica Innovation Award

February 9, 2015 FRUIT LOGISTICA

The trade visitors at FRUIT LOGISTICA in Berlin chose the “Aurora Seedless Papaya” produced by Aviv Flowers Packing House Ltd. in Israel as the winner for the FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award 2015.

Limoneira Acquires Additional 200 Acres Of Lemon Trees

February 9, 2015 Limoneira Company

Limoneira Company and Cadiz Inc. announced that they have expanded their existing agricultural development agreement to include an additional 200 acres. Limoneira has acquired a total of 200 acres of lemon trees and associated irrigation lines from Cadiz and one of its leasing tenants for approximately $1.2 million. Limoneira has amended its lease with Cadiz, that commenced July 2013, to include the additional 200 acres.