Facing Tough Sockeye Salmon Market, Marketers Ramping Up $1 Million Global Media Blitz

January 21, 2015 Laine Welch, SitNews

Alaska seafood marketers are ramping up promotions and bankrolling a $1 global million media blitz to counteract a tough sockeye salmon market.

Raley's Launches Commitment To Sustainable Seafood

January 21, 2015 Kat Maudru, Raleys

Raley’s Family of Fine Stores has begun showcasing its dedication to sustainable seafood – a commitment to choices that are better for their customers and the planet.

Bipartisan Group Introduces Bills To Ban GE Salmon & Require Labeling

In their continued fight against genetically engineered (GE) fish, this week Alaskan Congressman Don Young and Reps. Mike Thompson (D-CA), Walter B. Jones (R-NC), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), and Jared Huffman (D-CA) introduced two pieces of legislation intended to prevent GE fish from making its way onto the nation’s dinner plates and spreading into the nation’s oceans.

Millennials: Are They Really That Different From Other Generations?

There are two important goals in the Beef Industry Long Range Plan which are focused on demand generation for beef and image management.  Over the past several years, the beef checkoff has migrated to a target audience focus that combines aspects of one’s generation, age, household lifecycle status, and attitudinal interest in both food and nutrition.

Niman Makes The Case For Sustainable Beef At Talk

Have a beef with beef? Then plan to head to the intimate Saltwater Oyster Depot in Inverness on Feb. 17 for an important and mind-opening discussion on sustainable meat production with Nicole Hahn Niman.