Vilsack Scraps Controversial Beef Checkoff Proposal

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has abandoned an unpopular proposal to create a second beef checkoff.

H5N8 Found In Oregon – Not Found In US Commercial Poultry

December 22, 2014 USDA APHIS

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic (HPAI) H5N8 avian influenza in guinea fowl and chickens from a small backyard poultry flock in Winston, Oregon. The flock of approximately 100 birds has access to the outdoors. A pond and a marsh on the premises are frequented by migratory birds. The H5N8 virus has NOT been found in commercial poultry anywhere in the United States.

Poinsettias: Longer Lives, Greater Appeal

Tom Wheeler is standing among 13 of the 25 or so varieties of big, lush poinsettias he grows in the vast greenhouses of his employer, Bell Nursery in Burtonsville, Maryland. Two or three of them are old varieties – “old” as in poinsettias that have been around for a mere decade or so, but the others are new kids on the block.

World First From Chrysal – Gerbera Flower Food

December 22, 2014 Chrysal International

The Gerbera is a trendy flower, but up until now there is no specific food for this beautiful flower. Chrysal decided to develop – as first in the world – a flower food specialty for Gerberas in mono bouquets. We will introduce it this  November during IFTF 2014 (Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands).

Rockin' Around The Christmas Shrub

December 22, 2014 Joy Wiseman, Ball Ornamentals

It’s always fun to see the new and creative ways that woody shrubs are used at Christmas time. Each year, someone has a new great idea!