Wal-Mart Joins Program To Lift Florida Tomato Farmworker Pay

January 17, 2014 Staff Reporter, Reuters

Wal-Mart Stores Inc joined a program on Thursday promoted by workers’ rights groups that aims to improve pay and working conditions for Florida farmworkers who pick tomatoes sold to grocery store and restaurant chains.

2013: Making Strides Toward Sustainable Tuna

Tuna is one of the most popular species of seafood, and the industry surrounding it is an economic engine for countless communities. With competing interests at play, and the health of the ocean’s ecosystem at stake, it can be a challenge to manage tuna fisheries grounded squarely in science and in a sustainable manner. So as we look forward to another year of diligent work in tuna sustainability in 2014, it’s important to celebrate the positive steps taken in 2013 and remind ourselves that continuous improvement is critical to making the world’s tuna supply sustainable.

Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Presents 'COOKITFROZEN!' Ebook

The ASMI Retail Program is making an ebook of new COOKITFROZEN! recipes available to retailers and consumers via download from the Multi-Ad platform and on wildalaskaflavor.com.

Pete's Seafood Unveils Seven New Products At 2014 Winter Fancy Food Show

January 16, 2014 Pete’s Seafood

Pete’s Seafood announces their newest list of products for display at the upcoming Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco. The Winter Fancy Food Show is the largest specialty food and beverage show in the West Coast. The show opens for three days starting January 19th through January 21st at the Moscone Center. Pete’s Seafood returns to the show for its second annual year to unveil seven of their newest products to the Fancy Food attendees.

Perdue Closing Fredericksburg BC Natural Chicken Plant

January 16, 2014 Perdue Farms

Perdue is consolidating production from the Booth Creek Natural Chicken (BCNC) plant in Fredericksburg, Pa., to modernized plants with the capability and capacity to better serve customers for its Coleman and customer-owned organic and no-antibiotics-ever brands.