Making A More Healthful, Low-Fat Hot Dog Without Giving Up Texture

With grilling season upon us, many backyard cooks are turning to more healthful alternatives to their savored but fatty hot dogs. But low fat can sometimes mean low satisfaction. Now researchers are reporting new progress toward addressing the texture problem in low-fat wieners that are made with olive oil rather than pork fat. Their study was published in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

AMI Submits Menu Models To Dietary Guidelines Committee

A new menu model analysis developed by a team of nutrition experts shows that processed meat and poultry products – currently consumed regularly by Americans – can fit into a healthy balanced diet, according to comments submitted by the American Meat Institute (AMI) to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC).

The New, Ideal On-Pack Fresh Beef Label

July 10, 2014 The Beef Checkoff

Today’s consumer is confused about fresh meat cuts, and as a result, they tend to purchase only the three or four cuts they are most familiar with preparing at home. This presents huge marketing potential to drive meat department sales by helping shoppers become confident about the beef they purchase.

Insight On The Pork Industry At AMSA's Pork 101

Are you up-to-date on quality and consistency issues in the pork industry?  If you answered “no” or “I am not sure” to that question then you need to attend the next PORK 101 to be held August 12-14 at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, NE.  PORK 101 is hosted by AMSA in cooperation with the National Pork Board and is sponsored by Elanco Animal Health.

National Garden Bureau To Plant Seeds Of Assistance For Young Adults With Autism

July 10, 2014 National Garden Bureau

The National Garden Bureau has launched the first-of-its-kind “Growing for Futures” (#growingforfutures) philanthropic program to build therapeutic gardens across the country. This ongoing, annual, fundraising initiative is designed to cultivate horticulture careers and life skills, while also growing plants, vegetables, herbs and fruit for partnering organizations and communities.