FFVA Responds To US House Failure To Consider Immigration Reform

Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart announced Thursday that House Republican leadership does not intend to bring an immigration bill to the floor. The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association issued this statement in response:

National Mango Board Writes Letter To Retailers

July 11, 2014 National Mango Board

"Dear Retailers, I know what you are thinking, why bother reading so many newsletters when we have so much work on our hands. I get it, I’ve been there. But hear me out, and I know you won’t regret it as I deeply have."

TIPA Promotes US/Mexico Border & Produce Diversity With New 2015 Conference

Mark your calendar, the Texas International Produce Association (TIPA) has announced plans to host the inaugural VIVA Fresh Conference and Expo on March 26-28, 2015 at the Hilton Austin in Austin, Texas.  The expo, which is meant to highlight the “Gateway to the Americas,” will focus on showcasing produce grown in the Southwestern United States and Mexico.

Jersey's Own Locally-Grown Peaches Now On The Market

Peach lovers can now rejoice and head out to the markets for the freshest, juiciest newly picked peaches, which arrived just a little later than usual, but possibly the best in years.  Due to just enough rain to produce size and sunshine to produce sugars and color, this year’s crop is of optimum quality, according to the New Jersey Peach Promotion Council, which monitors the progress of growth and production.

Research: Fresh Avocado Enhances Absorption Of Fat Soluble Nutrients For Healthy Living

July 11, 2014 Hass Avocado Board

Consuming a whole fresh avocado with either an orange-colored tomato sauce or raw carrots significantly enhanced provitamin A carotenoid (alpha- and beta-carotene) absorption and conversion of these carotenoids to an active form of vitamin A, according to new research[i] published in The Journal of Nutrition.