Maryland Blue Crab Counts Low, Prices High

With the warm weather, the number of people looking to feast on hard crabs is increasing, but prices are at record levels.

First Sustainable Commercial Salmon Farm In North America Opens On Vancouver Island

The first large-scale, ecologically sound, cutting edge salmon farm in North America opened in April on Vancouver Island, a kilometre away from the ocean, near the little town of Port McNeill.

Canada Supports New Centre Of Excellence To Benefit Canadian Beef Sector

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz together with Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification Michelle Rempel announced $3,844,800, through the Western Diversification Program, to support the establishment of the Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence in Calgary, Alberta.

USDA Takes Next Step To Modernize Poultry Inspection

July 11, 2014 National Chicken Council

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has sent its proposed rule to modernize the U.S. poultry inspection system to the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for review.

Hempler's Bacon Going Into Costco Stores

The Hempler Foods Group, known locally for its meat products, will start selling one of its bacon products at 32 Costco stores, including in Bellingham.