The Produce Mom Honors Nature Fresh Farms As 2014 Partner Of The Year

July 30, 2014 The Produce Mom®

Nature Fresh Farms has been named the 2014 Produce Mom Partner of the Year.  The recognition was announced at the 27th Annual Indianapolis Fruit Company Trade Show.

Mucci Farms Charged For Fraudulent Canadian Labels On Vegetables

A Kingsville greenhouse operator has been charged with fraud for selling more than $1 million of non-Canadian – largely Mexican – vegetables that were falsely labelled as being from Canada to Ontario’s largest grocery chains.

Columbine Vineyards Announces Enhanced Website

July 30, 2014 Columbine Vineyards

Columbine Vineyards has launched a new integrated website to better interact with users. A modern, clean layout with intuitive navigation will allow the user more efficient access to product resources, including recipes, videos and photo galleries, as well as social media.

Chef Mandy Dixon Tabbed To Represent Alaska In The Great American Seafood Cook-Off

Gov. Sean Parnell and the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute chose Chef Mandy Dixon to represent the State of Alaska at the Great American Seafood Cook-off in New Orleans on Aug. 2.

Drought, Disease Among Factors Behind Shortage Of Texas Oysters

July 29, 2014 Steve Clark, The Monitor

The Gulf Coast oyster industry is under siege from several directions, including drought, disease and overharvesting. The result has been a scarcity of quality bivalve mollusks of the “eastern oyster” variety (Crassostrea virginica), which is usually what you’re eating when you’re eating Gulf oysters.