Newfoundland Mussel Processing Plant Earns BAP Certification

Green Seafoods Ltd.’s mussel processing plant in Newfoundland, Canada, has earned Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification, the Global Aquaculture Alliance announced in early April.

Massachusetts Sets New Protocol For Safe Handling Of Oysters

Vineyard oyster growers are expected to gather this morning to hear the details of a new state plan to control the bacteria Vp which plagued growers in the region last year, including on the Island.

Florida Organic Aquaculture To Celebrate Grand Opening Of Shrimp Facility

Florida Organic Aquaculture (FOA) will be having its Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Celebration on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. Located in the rural town of Fellsmere, Florida, FOA is the largest closed-water, shrimp production facility in the U.S. It encompasses 180,000 sq. ft. or 4.13 acres—roughly the size of 3½ football fields. The shrimp are grown in an environmentally-safe, energy-efficient system, and raised without any chemicals or preservatives. This fresh, never frozen shrimp is highly sought after by restaurants, charter shipping lines, and grocery chains.

US Senate Moves To Protect Bratwurst & Bologna From EU Over-Reach On Geographical Indications

The U.S. Senate is keeping up the pressure on the European Union (EU) to not hamper U.S. production and exports through the appropriation of common food names. This time the focus is on commonly used meat names, such as “bologna” and “black forest ham”. In a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, the senators urged them to defend common names, especially in negotiations with the EU on the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Millennials & Grilling

April 9, 2014 The Beef Checkoff

Millennials find grilling to be a fun, social and healthy way to cook, and they have a strong preference for beef on the grill over other proteins. Since Millennials say that grilling beef is one of their favorite summer activities, review the findings below to learn how to boost beef sales with this powerful demographic