American-Grown Wholesale Flowers From Mayesh Wholesale Florist

April 23, 2014 Mayesh Wholesale Florist

Local/American grown has been a movement that we have seen gain additional momentum just recently and we want to be able to provide useful information by posting top local products periodically so that you may pass it on to your customers.

Brownley Welcomes USDA Announcement Of $66 Million In Specialty Crop Block Grant Funding

Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) welcomed the announcement that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has made approximately $66 million in Specialty Crop Block Grants available for projects to help specialty crop growers. As a member of the Specialty Crop Caucus, Brownley fought for the renewal of the Specialty Crop Block Grant program when Congress reauthorized the Farm Bill. One the proposals includes working with the California Cut Flower Commission and the California Flower Growers Cooperative to enhance the competitiveness of California-grown flowers.

P&P Mini-Report: Proms & Dances Floral Purchasing Rebounds

April 23, 2014 Prince & Prince, Inc.

This mini-report is based on new market research findings from the 2014 Prince & Prince (P&P) On-Site Seminar, “The U.S. Consumer Floral Tracking Survey, 2014 Edition”.   The consumer floral purchasing metric for the “Proms & Dances” category is just one of over 100 purchasing metrics surveyed by P&P, and explored, analyzed, and discussed in the updated P&P on-site seminar, now available to members of the floral industry.

Business Booming For Ontario's Artisanal Cheesemakers

Quebec is the biggest producer of cheese, followed by Ontario, but there are cheesemakers in every province who produced more than 137.7 million kilograms (303 million pounds) and more than 1,050 types of cheese in 2011, according to the Canadian Dairy Commission.

Holland's Family Cheese Operation Rolling Along

The rise of Holland's Family Cheese is an old-fashioned love story. It's the story of a Dutch couple's love of dairy farming, each other and, of course, cheese.