Alliance For Food & Farming Warns That EWG Unfairly Targets Apples & Needlessly Scares Consumers

A non-profit group representing farmers of conventional and organic fruits and vegetables is urging caution concerning claims made today by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

New Organic Tech From Apeel Sciences Aims To Extend Produce Shelf Life

April 25, 2014 Apeel Sciences, Inc.

A new breakthrough in agricultural technology provides a natural way to protect produce from spoiling. An organic formula created by Apeel Sciences provides a micro-thin, invisible "peel" on the outside of fruit to protect it from external stressors.

Whole Foods & EARTH University Bananas Are Sending Two Winners To The Tropics

April 25, 2014 Whole Foods Market

In honor of Earth Month, Whole Foods Market is giving away two trips for two to the tropical campus of EARTH University, a nonprofit university in Costa Rica that also grows bananas for Whole Foods Market.

The International Perishable Conference & Expo To Be Held In Miami May 12-14, 2014

The International Perishable Conference and Expo will be held in Miami, Florida on May 12-14, 2014. This Conference will focus on perishables which are the number one commodity through Miami International Airport and a very important product for the sea ports in South Florida. Miami International Airport handles more than 71% of all perishables that enter the United States by air and a very important and growing commodity for Port Miami and all of South Florida.

In Season: East Coast Fiddlehead Ferns From Ruma Fruit & Produce

April 25, 2014 Ruma Fruit and Produce

Those tightly-coiled edible shoots from the ostrich ferns that grow along the rivers and streams in New England and beyond, called fiddlehead ferns,  are now in season and available at Ruma Fruit and Produce.