Key Chocolate Ingredients Could Help Prevent Obesity, Diabetes

Improved thinking. Decreased appetite. Lowered blood pressure. The potential health benefits of dark chocolate keep piling up, and scientists are now homing in on what ingredients in chocolate might help prevent obesity, as well as type-2 diabetes. They found that one particular type of antioxidant in cocoa prevented laboratory mice from gaining excess weight and lowered their blood sugar levels. The report appears in ACS' Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry.

Grocery Delivery Service Instacart Set To Open In L.A.

Instacart is bringing its same-day grocery delivery service to Los Angeles, utilizing a crowdsourced model of personal shoppers who provide their own transportation and smartphones to shop for and deliver groceries to customers.

Roger (Rocky) M. Laverty Joins The Board Of Directors Of Unified Grocers

April 7, 2014 Unified Grocers, Inc.

Former Farmer Bros. Co. President and CEO Roger (Rocky) M. Laverty has been appointed as an independent, non-shareholder director to the board of directors of Unified Grocers, Inc. ("Unified" or the "Company").

FFR Sign Bracket Adapts To Multiple Support Surface To Provide A Single Signage Solution

April 7, 2014 FFR Merchandising, Inc.

Use a single sign holder to mount signs to poles, displays, walls and more with the Plastic Sign Mounting Bracket from FFR Merchandising.

Kroger’s Faster Checkout Initiative Ranks 3rd In InformationWeek Elite 100

April 7, 2014 The Kroger Co.

The Kroger Co.'s innovative technology solution to speed up checkout wait times, called QueVision, has earned the company a number 3 ranking in the InformationWeek Elite 100 – a list of the top business technology innovators in the U.S. Kroger received the award last night at the InformationWeek conference in Las Vegas.