Save The Date For Nicky USA’s Wild About Game 2014

April 8, 2014 Nicky USA

We are returning to Timberline September 7th, 2014 for the Northwest's meatiest culinary celebration. Wild About Game celebrates farmers, butchers and purveyors of specialty game and high quality meat, and the chefs who use their produtcs. The full day event will include a head to head cooking competition, artisan marketplace and an industry-insider persepctive on the Northwest culinary scene.

PEI Potatoes Sponsors ‘Frydays’ During PEI Burger Love 2014

Everyone knows that burgers and fries are best friends, making it an easy decision for the Prince Edward Island Potato Board to be a partner in the 2014 edition of PEI Burger Love (, a month-long celebration of PEI beef.  54 Island restaurants have created unique and mouth-watering burgers using 100% Prince Edward Island beef, and PEI Potatoes are excited to continue as a partner in this promotion for the second year.

United Fresh Supports School Food Modernization Act

United Fresh President & CEO Tom Stenzel issued this statement in response to the introduction of the School Food Modernization Act in the Senate today by Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND).

Tyson Foods Recalls Chicken Nuggets, Possible Foreign Matter Contamination

April 8, 2014 USDA FSIS

Tyson Foods Inc., a Sedalia, Mo. establishment, is recalling approximately 75,320 pounds of frozen, fully cooked chicken nugget products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today.

Emmi Roth USA To Sponsor Four Taste Of The Nation Events

April 8, 2014 Emmi Roth USA, Inc.

Emmi Roth USA, a leading provider of specialty cheeses, will be a national partner and the official specialty cheese sponsor at four of Share Our Strength’s Taste of the Nation® events.