Columbus Foods & Top Chef Fan Favorite Fabio Viviani Hit The Road To 'Meat Up' With Fans Across The Country

April 8, 2014 Columbus Foods

Two Italian favorites are teaming up as Top Chef fan-favorite Fabio Viviani joins Columbus Foods for its “Meat Up” food truck tour, inviting Americans to explore the simple Italian goodness of premium salumi and deli meats. They’re hitting the road this April and May, spending a week each in Scottsdale, Salt Lake, Boston, New York Metro and New Orleans, as part of the company’s long-standing tradition of local market retail promotions.

Sonoma Flatbreads By Donatos Showcases New Gluten-Free Flatbread Pizzas

April 8, 2014 Jane’s Dough Foods

Coming off a successful exposition of their newest gluten-free pizza at Natural Products Expo West in March, Sonoma Flatbreads by Donatos® is continuing to rise. The emerging new brand will exhibit at the Gluten & Allergen Free (GFAF) Expo in Schaumburg, IL, on April 12-13, 2014. The Gluten & Allergen Free Expo, which attracts more than 20,000 gluten-free and allergen-free consumers each year, is hosting the first iteration of its six-city tour this year in the Chicago area. The Expo features presenters who are experts in the gluten and allergen free space and is touted to be the largest gluten free exposition in the United States.

Princess Royal Opens Coombe Castle's New Creamerie

British royalty and castles go together like strawberries and cream, so when specialist producer and exporter of British cream and dairy produce, Coombe Castle International, won its third Queen’s Awards for International Trade and had new premises to open, a royal visitor was on hand to do the honours.

Land O'Lakes, Feeding America Team Up On Pin A Meal, Give A Meal

April 8, 2014 Land O'Lakes, Inc.

The Pin A Meal, Give A Meal campaign is in full swing, running through May 31. With one in six Americans struggling with hunger, this campaign creates hope – and a way to help. In partnership with Feeding America® – the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization – the Land O'Lakes Foundation and Land O'Lakes Dairy Foods team are delivering easy recipe ideas and hunger relief, all in one.

Organic Valley Farmer-Owners Receive Outstanding Quality Awards For 2013

April 8, 2014 Organic Valley

Organic Valley, America’s largest cooperative of organic farmers and one of the nation’s leading organic brands, honored 640 of its farmer-owners with Quality Awards at the Cooperative’s Annual Meeting award banquet on April 2, in La Crosse, Wis. Producers of CROPP Cooperative (Organic Valley and Organic Prairie brands) dairy, produce, soy, eggs, feed and meat were recognized for 2013 quality achievements.