Winterbells – The Very Early Flowering Christmas Rose

December 26, 2013 HilverdaKooij

After the introduction two years ago, Winterbells® continues to surprise grower, retailer and consumer by its very early, abundant and long lasting flowering. Early September the first flowering Winterbells® become available on the market with guaranteed blooming until March the following year.

Royal Van Zanten Showcases New Product Developments

December 26, 2013 Royal van Zanten

Royal Van Zanten's new catalogue featuring the range of Pot & Bedding plant material is available from November 29th. The catalogue has been given a fresh new look and feel, with particular attention paid to the marketing concepts in which Royal Van Zanten has invested for several years now. Furthermore, this edition includes the new commercial varieties for 2014.

Plantarium 2014: Connect

December 26, 2013 Plantarium

The 32nd edition of Plantarium has been given the theme of “Connect”. By means of this theme, the Tree Nursery Trade Show Association (Stichting Vakbeurs voor de Boomkwekerij) wishes to emphasise that not only are people captivated by plants, they also bring people closer together.

IDDBA FSCRP Application Deadline Is April 1

The next application deadline for the International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association™ (IDDBA) Food Safety Certification Reimbursement Program is April 1, 2014, for training completed January 1 – February 28.

Campofrio Now Available In Canada Via Piller's Fine Foods

December 26, 2013 Piller's Fine Foods

Campofrio hand-crafted, cured meats are now available in Canada, distributed through Piller's Fine Foods.