Satisfy Every Party With Mild, Versatile Havarti

Havarti is a soft, cream-colored cows' milk cheese made in Denmark, and one of the most popular cheeses imported to the United States.

Twisted Butter's Flavor-Infused Butter Nominated As One Of The Best New Dairy Products

January 3, 2013 Twisted Butter

Twisted Butter is pleased to announce that their flavor-infused butter has been nominated as one of the Best New Dairy Products of 2012.

Congressional Dairy Fix Would Still Raise Milk Prices

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) stated today that the legislation proposed by Congressional Agriculture Committee leaders would still cause a problem in the marketplace because it includes a controversial new program designed to limit the milk supply. That proposal, championed by Representative Collin Peterson (D-MN) yet resisted by consumer groups, food manufacturers and many dairy farmers, is known as the Dairy Security Act (DSA) and would require the government to intervene in milk markets to manipulate the supply of milk in order to keep milk prices artificially high.

'The Bottomless Cup: A Year Of La Yogurt Probiotic Giveaways'

January 3, 2013 Maiden Media Group

Maiden Media Group launched a social media campaign today titled “The Bottomless Cup: A Year of La Yogurt Probiotic Giveaways” for their client, La Yogurt Probiotic. The yearlong campaign will utilize “Like Gating” to generate Likes for La Yogurt Probiotic’s Facebook Page and increase their overall brand reach. The campaign begins with the New Year, and as the name suggests, it is a “year of giveaways” that will last the duration of 2013.

The San Francisco Baking Institute Is Not Closing

Over the last 24 hours in San Francisco, e-mail boxes, Twitter feeds and Facebook walls have been flooded with the plea: Save the San Francisco Baking Institute, which was ordered to shut down immediately by the “red tape of Sacramento.”